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Day 16_Wrestle 'Til You Win

Start:Oct 22, 2024

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to activate hope with a plan (Your Triumph).

Description: The Next Step guides trekkers toward the right strategies, behaviors and attitudes to reach their dreams, outsmarting what tends to get the ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Welcome back!

Today, we're going to stick with the wrestling concept. It's a vital one to make a part of your life.

It's the best part of you who that's at stake here. Don't stop.

Go to the video icon and watch the clip from the real-life movie, "Coach Carter". Return when you've finished.

List the challenges you face today in the space provided.

Step 2

Get a mental picture of what it would look like to overcome this adversity.

What would it take to clear the hurdle?

Step 3

List the positives that can come from wrestling through to the end of this struggle.

Step 4

Is there anything that makes you nervous about continuing to fight until you've won?

Take a moment to wrestle with it. Talk to yourself.

Discuss in your mind how it feels to be protecting the best part of yourself by taking on a challenge that will only make you smarter, braver and stronger. You can name this part of yourself, 'positive you' if it helps.

Debate with yourself how 'negative you' is not really you at all.

As you think about the situation you fear, keep that dominant, positive image in your head. That's the you who should do the most talking.

'Positive you' will have won the argument when you realize that no situation is going to break you. You are you. No one can take that from you, and you've already proven that.

Keep at it until 'positive you' wins the argument in your mind. You'll know this is true when you feel more hopeful and can start thinking more clearly about possible solutions or people to talk to for advice.

Step 5

Keeping that positive image of yourself in front of you, think about one, small step you can take to outsmart what you're afraid is going to derail you.

Small steps are important. Just focus on the one small, meaningful, next thing. Remember to keep it manageable.

What is that step you can take to outsmart the thing that's making you nervous?

Step 6

Did you think of a way to reward yourself for winning your wrestling match?

You need to add that to your plan. Make it enjoyable and attainable, so it can inspire you rather than stress you out. You can include your reward in the space provided. Then go claim your prize.


Step 7

As you go forward, here's a way to think about outsmarting those tempting thoughts to revert back to 'negative you': Don’t rob yourself - or let anyone else rob you - of your future!

It’s your legacy to yourself and to the world. Are you willing to keep wrestling and to claim your prize at the end?

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