Welcome to the new Navitent!

Navitent Is Your GPS For Change

Start:Feb 17, 2025

Duration:5 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the interest of using Navitents in your life and the the lives of others.

Description: This Trail is your introduction to Navitent. The mission of Navitent is simple: enable people to change the world one step, skill, habit and ... Read More


Published By:

Brian Golter

Summary: Compelling reasons to care about Navitents in your life.

Step 1

What is a Navitent?

A Navitent ('navigational-content') is a simple, step-by-step set of interactions toward any goal that matters to you.

These steps are organized into Trails making it easy for you to follow.

People pursuing goals using Navitents are Trekkers.

People who create Navitents are Trailblazers.

The goal of this Trail is to give you a compelling reason to care about Navitents in your life and the lives of those around you.

Are you ready to head out on this short Trail?

Step 2

First, to help you understand what Navitents do, let's apply a simple visual image:

Imagine a navigational system that, instead of leading you to a destination, guides you step-by-step to the goals and outcomes that matter most to you.

Rather than entering a location, you enter a goal that you want to attain.

Next, you see the steps that will get you to your goal in the most effective and successful manner possible.

When you have this image firmly established in your mind, select 'Successful' and proceed to the next step.

Step 3

Now, let's apply this device to goals such as helping a family member to defeat addiction or leading you to the job you always dreamed of.

Imagine this new device successfully guiding you to the goals that are most important to you right now, this very moment, and you are beginning to understand the power of a Navitent.

How clear is your understanding of what Navitents do so far?

Step 4

Did you know that before the invention of GPS people used fold out maps to get to their destinations?

These maps were awkward. Typically, users found it difficult to locate where they were on the map, let alone how to get to where they were going.

When it comes to finding solutions that will successfully get us to our goals, these maps are akin to the current state of the Internet.

For example, how often have you searched for guidance that was both meaningful and urgent (e.g. a family member has just discovered that they have diabetes), only to get lost in page after page of blogs and product ads that did not pertain to your interests, needs or goals?

Step 5

Navitents deliver us from our current 'fold out map' state of the Internet.

Navitents give us the direction we need, when we need it and give us a simpler, smarter and more reliable way to arrive at the goals we are all trying to get to.

If you could change one thing in your life that is in your power to control, what would it be?

Step 6

Creating a Navitent is easy to do as well. The Navitent Create feature makes it simple for any individual, social network or organization to turn their content into Trails, Guides and Maps for their users to follow.

All can publish their Navitents for free or set a price and sell them throughout social media and the Internet.

Can you imagine guiding people all over the world in how to accomplish the things that you, or your organization, do best and getting paid to do so?

Step 7

Once you begin to deploy Navitents, you will have access to advanced analytics at the key points of your Trekkers’s schedule, level and progress.

These analytics, unique to Navitents, will allow Trailblazers to see when and where a Trekker is stuck. Trailblazers can send their Trekkers tailored steps to help them progress. When Trekkers succeed, Trailblazeers can send them the next level of goal to achieve.

With Navitents, all forms of publishing, training, mentoring and educating become step-by-step guidance tailored to the individual needs of each Trekker.

How often do you receive advice on the Internet that doesn’t take into account your unique needs and circumstances?

Step 8

Trails, Guides and Maps work together to transform the overwhelming amount of information on the Internet into a GPS for change that gets results that are both measurable and provable.

For example, as you approach the end of this Trail, you can help measure it's effectiveness by answering a simple question related to its goal:

Has this Navitent increased your interest in using Navitents in your life and the lives of others?

Step 9

If you answered 'yes', then this Trail has brought you to the Trailblazers goal. That's an important part of what Navitents do.

If you answered 'no', you can help the Trailblazer to improve this Trail by sending them your responses and comments using the box at the bottom of this page.

That's also what Navitents do. They are the foundation of a growing Behavioral Intelligence.

In addition to providing direct communication between Trailblazers and their Trekkers, in the future Navitent's Behavioral Intelligence will allow the platform to learn from the movements, or lack of movements, of Trekkers.

As the platform learns, it will help Trekkers by recommending the best Trails to arrive at the goals they care about in the shortest and most effective manner possible.

In short, Behavioral Intelligence guides, maps and advances mankind's efforts to improve the human condition.

Don't you agree that the human condition could use a little help right about now?

Step 10

So, what goal, large or small, would you like to start trekking toward right now?

Or, perhaps, you're a Trailblazer and have a unique solution you have always wanted to share with others.

Whether you are a Trekker or Trailblazer, or both, Navitent is your GPS for Change!

If you would like to watch a short video about Navitent, go to the Video button above.

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