Welcome to the new Navitent!

Start:Oct 22, 2024

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to activate hope with a plan (Your Triumph).

Description: The Next Step guides trekkers toward the right strategies, behaviors and attitudes to reach their dreams, outsmarting what tends to get the ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hi there! We're narrowing in on 'Your Triumph'. Thanks for hanging in there!

Let's start off by taking a moment to watch Denzel Washington as he talks about his own battle with fear, failure and guts. It's in the video icon.

Let us know what you thought when you've finished.

Step 2

How did yesterday's wrestling turn out for you?

Step 3

What's still making you nervous or angry or tempted to revert to bad habits?

Step 4

What's improved? Even if it's your optimism, that's an improvement.

Step 5

Check yourself to see if victim thinking is at work.

Thinking you're a victim of your circumstances is something all of us can relate to from time to time. It's a sneaky thought that tries to tell you that you don't have the stuff you need to make it.

Call it out. It's lying to you.

What excuses are tempting you to back out and believe the worst about yourself and your future? Weed out your excuses as honestly as possible.

Step 6

What's keeping you going?

Step 7

Which voice are you going to listen to?

Wrestle as often as you need to, and for most of us, that's several times a day until the concept is solid.

Your future is worth the fight.

What are you going to do now?

Do you have it in you to fall forward as Mr. Washington urged you to do in the clip you just watched?

Step 8

So...Go do something nice for yourself, like buy a frappuccino, download a great tune, watch a movie that makes you laugh, have dinner with friends, post to your Next Step Camps, treat your mentor to an ice cream - anything that's upbeat and makes you feel special. Post to us!

Just go do it.

Will you?

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