Welcome to the new Navitent!

Day 1_Are My Eyes Telling My Brain the Truth

Start:Feb 17, 2025

Duration:15 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the confidence to resolve differences with your ego intact (Drama Buster).

Description: 'Drama Buster' provides specific step-by-step guidance to trekkers as they learn how to resolve differences with a sense of dignity and conf ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1

Hello there!

Welcome to the Drama Free Zone. Yeah we know a little bit about drama. Some of it we stir up, and some of it just rolls right up on us.

Nobody ever really gets used to conflict, and most of us would do anything to avoid it. We're really sorry if you've had more than your share.

Yet there is hope. We learned how to sidestep drama or to rise above it before it got out of control. It wasn't easy, and there were a lot of mishaps and embarrassments during the learning process. That's normal, so you can expect a bit of it, too.

We'd like to share our lessons with you, though, so you can avoid some of the painful situations we've been in.

Want to hear more?

Step 2

Let's begin with a little background information. Describe your most recent argument. What started it and how did it end?

Step 3

Feel ya.

There are three things to know about preventing drama.

*Be honest.
*Don't cover up.
*Understand your weaknesses.

Here's why. Drama kicks into high gear when we aren't honest with ourselves or with other people. It's like drama is looking for an entry way. Dishonesty - covering up your mistakes - is that door.

When other people aren't honest with us, trouble can't help but bust out. Feelings are hurt. Friendships are damaged.

But who can be truthful when they don't know what's tripping them up? The short answer is nobody.

Do you agree?

Step 4

Honesty begins by understanding the experiences that form our beliefs. Our beliefs determine how we perceive what people are saying or how they're treating us.

We tend to encourage or offend people based upon how we see ourselves and how we've come to view others.

If we mostly like who we are and give others a fair chance, too, then we become trusting. The reverse is also true. If you don't like yourself and/or don't give others a chance, then you become mistrusting. Mistrust can contribute to a lot of drama because it distorts the truth about people and situations.

What kind of situations or types of people make you go into "mistrust" mode?

Step 5

Sometimes it's helpful to get a visual about something you're trying to understand.

Head up to the video icon and watch the clip from the movie, 'I Am David.' He was a kid who had all kinds of reasons not to trust and finally came to a safe place where he was able to begin putting aside his negative feelings.

Tell us what you thought about the message when you've finished.

Step 6

Imagine you, like David, are looking at a painting of yourself.

What do you see? Describe yourself in the space provided.

Step 7

How we see ourselves is very important.

We tend to judge others the way we judge ourselves and often treat them accordingly.

Unfortunately, very few of us see ourselves the way we really are. Most of us can easily point out the bad stuff, but what about the good?

How optimistic are you that you can see the good in yourself?

Step 8

Filters further contribute to the problem of miscommunication and misunderstandings.

We all have filters. Information we take in is filtered through our beliefs. They can distort what we think we see or hear. These filters can be self image, age, gender, education, race, ethnicity, wealth, poverty, family background, social status or negative experiences. The list is endless. You get the idea.

You see, sometimes our eyes and ears tell our brains something that is false or only partially true. This misinformation can stir up unnecessary trouble.

Describe your own filters to the best of your ability.

Step 9

That's enough to digest for now. Let's pick this up again tomorrow.

What you need to know now is that 'Drama Buster' runs for 21 days without breaks for weekends or holidays.

For more insight while you're doing these navitents, you can post privately to Publisher (us) in the last open space at the bottom. If you post, then check the message inbox above for posts back to you.

You can also do the steps solo. However, feel welcome to join JP's online community of teens and young adults from your area (Campfire), a group of people like you nationwide (Campsite), and/or a whole lot of youth your age from around the world (Campground). If interested, post your email address to us in the last open space on the page.

Let us know what city you live in or if you want to be placed in the same group as someone you know. You'll receive an invite from navitent.com. Click the link. You're in.

If you're reading this page from another site, you'll have to sign in and create an account to be able to post comments and save your responses.

Still with us?

Step 10

Will you commit to show up each day, do your steps, and be honest with your answers?

If so, then you're in step with many, many teens and young adults like you who are on the same path to experience a future better than they may have imagined.

Welcome to the Drama Buster trail!

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