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Start:May 04, 2024

Duration:10 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will increase the confidence to understand your value and learn how to command the respect you deserve (Respect).

Description: This Next Step trail guides teens and young adults step-by-step each day until they discover their value and become confident in respecting ... Read More


Published By:

JP NextStep


Step 1


Let's begin by getting quiet. Just sit still. Look around you, look out the window. Find one thing to focus your attention on that's positive.

Let us know what happened below.

Step 2

If you're asking others to respect you, then start paying attention to how much respect you're showing them.

It goes both ways. It's the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you would have them treat you."

Where are you on the scale of (1)Rarely respectful to (10) Always respectful?

Step 3

But what about the tricky people?

Do you know someone who seems like they're okay, but they manage to make you feel bad about yourself whenever you're around them?

Maybe they're not genuine, but they're pretty slick at faking it - so slick you don't even get it until later. Hey, it happens to all of us at one time or another. Maybe that's how they express their own insecurity and mistrust. Just a thought.

Here's how you tell the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who is faking it: Does spending time with the person make you feel anxious, guilty, unworthy, frustrated, angry, depressed, powerless?

OR do your interactions leave you feeling supported, happy, at peace with yourself and hopeful? You feel like you're being treated with a sense of decency on a regular basis.

Does the person in question act in a way that makes you trust that their words and actions match up on a consistent basis?

Are you getting it yet? Yes or No?

Step 4

On a typical day, do feelings of shame, self disgust or blame creep into your thoughts? We feel ya.

Are you any closer to writing the new chapter of your life with new and improved messages looping around your mind?

You know the ones we're talking about - the messages that actually like you and know that whatever happened, you deserve a do over. You can't have the do over until you get rid of the thoughts that think you don't deserve one.

Does this ring true? What can you say to yourself today to flip negative messages and bad memories?

Step 5

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how much do you honor yourself by the way you let others treat you?

Step 6

What will you do in the next 24 hours that shows how much you value yourself?

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