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Full On You Minus the Muffin Top

Start:May 06, 2024

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Productive Trail will improve the effectiveness of your ability to take care of your health and vitality.



Published By:

Behavior Rx


Step 1

I started this trail for myself. I wanted to follow something that would take me toward more exuberance in life, including a better body image for three reasons:

* I didn't like what I saw in the bathroom mirror.
* I can't afford to replace my wardrobe. I really like my clothes!
* For me weight and muscle tone reflect my confidence.

So...this is the trail I use to get fit and rock those clothes I like so much. While body image is not and will never be my central focus, it does contribute to my sense of well being, discipline and confidence in all areas of my life.

Can you relate to any of that? If so, let's share this journey!

Step 2

Sugar cravings are a big negative for me. Maybe they are for you, too. Or maybe it's salt.

Only you know what it is. But there's a thing, something that contributes to the growing muffin top that rolls over your favorite shorts or jeans.

I'll share a secret with you. Maybe you're already doing this. If you're not aware of it, maybe this secret will help you also.

I've discovered that the cravings don't overwhelm me when I'm engaged in a selfless act of kindness. The opposite happens.

I feel nurtured and nurturing. My mind isn't on sugar. The act changes my outlook and makes the difficult parts of my life easier to overcome.

How about you? What activities are you doing each week that you enjoy?

If you can't think of any, here are some ideas to consider:

* Coach a youth sports team or set up a running or hiking club for youth (do this for adults if that's where your interest lies)
* Babysit for the kids of a single mom or dad in your area
* Take time to talk to a young person each afternoon or evening whose parents are divorced or widowed
* Hold babies in the NICU to give a nurse a break
* Visit patients in a hospital, hospice or long-term care facility
* Organize a bridge game for widows or the elderly
* Go to the park and chat with someone who needs a friendly conversation and a warm smile (and who doesn't?)
* Help out at a new business
* Volunteer at a local nonprofit and use your expertise

Write down the top 2 or 3 selfless acts of kindness you enjoy and will commit to on a weekly basis.

Step 3

Are you in touch with the spiritual aspect of your life?

For me, this is the calm yet powerful undercurrent that feeds the rest of myself. I, personally, have found it is superior to a sugar high - and this from a carb addict!

Get quiet.

Close your eyes. If you're Christian, ask God to show you an image of yourself as He sees you in Christ. Focus on what that person looks like. What's their countenance and confidence level? What else is going on in that image that sparks something inside you?

If you're not quite there with God, then imagine yourself as a person with the utmost vibrance and sense of well being. You see this 'you' and think "I got it going ON!"

Describe what you look like, your expression and what you may be doing. Note how this makes you feel overall. Lastly, write how it may inspire you to do something to attain this vision.

If you're a praying person, pray that the person you imagined takes root and flourishes.

Step 4

As you nurture these aspects of life, it will become easier to treat your body well. After all, you've just seen the vision of you, and you got it goin' ON!

So let's go after the basics. Food and exercise are key elements. You knew that was coming, huh?

Let's start with food. We love it. We love to eat it and we love to celebrate with it and we love to pacify our stress with it.

But some foods are not our friends. They're vision killers.

So...how to make changes that we enjoy, nurture us and we can sustain.

Let's tackle the most obvious. Sugar intake. It's got to decrease, as does salt if that's your main temptation.

I hear ya!

But you can master the art of the craving.

Are you interested?

Step 5

Go to the video icon and watch a video by nutritionist Ula Bozek.

Tell us what you thought about her tips when you've finished. Um...is that a crumb on the corner of your mouth?

Step 6

Ula's Tip #1

Don't stop all sugary treats right away.

You'll do better if you limit them to certain times of the day or particular days of the week.

Will you agree to this?

Step 7

Ula's Tip #2

Focus on 5 different foods:
* Dates (sweet AND rich in minerals)
* Chia Pudding (good source of Omega 3's, fiber & minerals) Another option is Sunflower seeds roasted without salt.
* Fermented Foods (may help correct a nutritional imbalance that could be causing the sugar cravings)
* Dark Chocolate (rich in minerals, antioxidants and tend to stop cravings)
* Fresh Fruit (berries, in particular, are low in sugar and high in antioxidants)

Can you pick at least 2 of these choices to consume today in place of something high in sugar? If so, which did you choose?

If not, what are you planning instead?

Step 8

Ula's Tip #3

You have a favorite treat. Eat it once in a while. Don't feel guilty.

Savor your special sweet as a reward to yourself.

Ula says to make it an experience. Plan a dessert you love and treat yourself with it. Enjoy it slowly and with utter satisfaction!

List your special prize and how you'll make it a truly delicious occasion. Include the person you may want to share this with.

Step 9

Ula's Tip #4

Eat enough nourishing foods and get plenty of sleep (7 to 8 hours a night).

Often an overwhelming need for sugary food is generated because our body thinks we need to amp up because we didn't eat enough, didn't eat well or we're sleepy.

If you can't think of foods that treat you right, then here's a list that may spark some inspiration:

* Leafy green vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach, etc.)
* Carrots, tomatoes, peppers and an occasional avocado
* Soy or black bean patty burgers
* Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.
* A handful of walnuts or almonds each day
* Lean meat like turkey or chicken
* Fish such as salmon
* Beans and other legumes
* Refrigerate sliced carrots or apples in baggies for quick snacks that reduce cravings

** List the foods you ate today at meal and snack time. If you haven't already, try to include choices from the list above and from Step #7.

If you're following this trail in the morning, then return after dinner and complete the list of what you've eaten today.

Step 10

How about water? You know water is your friend, right?

So...be friends. Will you commit to drinking 64 oz. of water a day - more if the weather is hot and/or humid?

16 of those ounces should be consumed before noon.

This, too, helps curb cravings, fills your tummy, is great for your skin and contributes to weight loss.

How much water have you had today and were 2 of those glasses before noon?

Step 11

Let's push a bit more.

Portion control.

You're smart. You know what we mean. If you can't see the bottom of your plate, you're eating way too much.

Your stomach holds about 1 liter of food and drink. Find something in your kitchen that equals 1 liter.

How much are you willing to reduce your meal portions in order to be kind to your tummy, pancreas, liver, blood vessels and heart, giving them the break they so vitally need?

Step 12

Now write how many hours of sleep you got last night.

Include the hours you slept each night this past Sunday -Saturday to see your pattern.

Step 13

Ula's Tip #5

Keep sweets out of sight and out of reach.

Do you have a sugar stash in your home? Where is it now? Can you reach that easily?

Step 14

Exercise. Seriously, you're going to have to move that heinie if you want to get tiny.

But let's explore some ways that make working out more natural.

List two or three types of strenuous, physical activity that you would enjoy doing a total of four times a week for 30 minutes each. Adjust your activity and duration according to your doctor's orders.

It exercise isn't an option today, then walk more during the day to do errands, park farther away from your destination, climb stairs, etc.

Make sure to list the exercise you did today and the length of time you did it or note the replacement activity. Just as you did with your sleep, track your activity level Sunday - Saturday.

Step 15

These navitents are meant to be done daily. For added benefit, the "Minus the Muffin Top" daily plan has been automatically added to your Day Plan.

Do it every day for the best results in tracking and doing the guidance we suggested.

Best to you in this, and may something especially wonderful come your way as a result!

Step 16

How helpful were these suggestions?

Side note: You're welcome to join the Behavior Rx campfire to progress toward your goal with others on the same path.

Post your email and locale in the last open space on the page, and we'll send you a link through navitent.com. Click the link and you're automatically a member!

Thanks! And all the best to you in this new adventure!

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